Reduce false evacuations

We understand the risks associated with false evacuations in the Hospital and healthcare sector. Our AlertNet systems can issue fire alarm information (incl. triggered sensor location) via SMS or page message to key personnel in seconds, expediting investigation time and potentially avoiding unnecessary evacuations. The addition of LED information screens in key areas can also provide critical information to personnel in different departments, potentially mitigating full evacuations for localised issues.

Healthcare industry solutions

Hover over the icons to learn about the most common types of solutions we provide to Healthcare industries.

Our AlertNet systems provide multi-media alerting based on a variety of inputs from fire and Safety systems as well as custom buttons for manual messaging to key personnel. You can notify different user groups to specific alerts, design an efficient escalated response or simply streamline call-ins and communication.

Other solutions we’ve found popular in the Healthcare sector are:

  • Secure site-wide radio communications and infrastructure
  • Lone worker solutions
  • Public address over radio
  • LED Scrolling text screens (to display fire-alarm information)